Application and payment

2024 Applications will open in June.
Details here will be updated.

Complete groups can apply, but each participant must complete an application. Fees to be determined - as we’ll be at a new venue.

The camp is for participants only - Rutherford Park’s rules. We will have a concert on the Sunday afternoon, probably in Daylesford, that others are welcome to attend.

Please look after other participants: do not come if you are not feeling well. Even before COVID, one year flu spread through participants. We will discuss a refund for sick people, and will endeavour to find an extra or reorganise if an incomplete group results.

Each group will need to organise their own breakfasts, lunch, travel, etc - see What to bring.

We will provide a light meal on Thursday night - other nights will be at restaurants, cost not included. Alternatively, you can cook in your group’s house.

  1. Do not apply until details are updated.

    Click here to apply - each participant must complete an application.

  2. Do not pay until details are updated.

ANZ BANK: Account Name: Clunes Music
BSB: 013275
Account: 398600953
TAKE CARE to include the player’s name in the transaction description (so that it appears on our bank statement). We have had difficulty identifying some payments in the past!